Nga reo
Ko tooku reo, tooku ohooho
Ko tooku reo, tooku maapihi maurea
Ko tooku reo, tooku whakakai marihi.
Our language is our awakening
Our language is precious
Our language is our identity.
Language is how we communicate, whether it be to communicate your identity or to learn and explore that
of another culture. At Tuakau College, students have the opportunity to learn
Te Reo Maaori (an official language of this country) and Spanish.
E te tii, e te taa…nau mai ki te pito o te ao, araa ki, Te Ao Maaori!
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, noona te ngahere.
Ko te manu e kai ana i te maatauranga, noona te ao!
The bird that eats the miro berry, owns the forest.
The bird that eats knowledge, owns the world!
Come and feast on the knowledge of Te Reo Maaori me ngoona tikanga so that you can stand tall in Te Ao Maaori as well as share it with the rest of Aotearoa and the world!
Our Spanish program is dynamic. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. It is offered to students from Year 7 - Year 13, with an emphasis on communicating in a foreign language. There are several benefits associated with learning Spanish: it is fun and will expose students to new cultural practices/traditions and unique aspects connected to the language. Learning Spanish could be very useful in exploring unique job opportunities, especially within exciting careers which are only available to bilingual candidates.
Learning Spanish broadens students general language abilities and brings their own language into sharper focus.
Tuakau College Language Department Teachers

Miss P. Toto
Te Reo Maaori Teacher